Queen Spade full


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Aim of the gameThe goal of spades is to get the lowest score possible at the end of the game. The end of the game happens when a player exceeds 100.
________________________________Play cards
Players play in the direction of clockwise, divest a map at the center of the table. The first card dealt dictates the color you should play. If you do not, you may discard any card.Whoever plays the highest card of the suit led wins the trick. We say he has done the trick. That player opens the next round.The order of the cards is as follows: Ace King Queen ten nine eight seven six five four three two
At the end of each round, you receive:1 point for every heart that you hold;and 12 points for the queen of spades.
If you win all the hearts and the queen of spades in a tower (which is a "CONTROL"), you receive no points (0 points) and each opponent is penalized 25 points.